3 Tips To Make Buyers Genuinely Happy

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Hi Valley Village Neighbors,

It's the little things that make a big difference. We all know this from personal experience. You probably have a favorite clerk at the grocery store or server at your regular restaurant that does small things to make your experience better. My personal favorite, Michelle at Ralph's, always rubber-bands our marinated olive container to make sure there isn't an accident on the way home. She doesn't have to, no one else does that, but she chooses to go above and beyond, and I really appreciate that!

The same principal applies when selling your home! Your first thought may not be keeping potential buyers happy, but with all the moving parts of home sales, it can be easy to forget that the little things truly do count - especially when it comes to the happiness of potential buyers.

Yes - your home can probably sell itself as-is, but going the extra yard to boost interest in your home is worth it. You can start by putting together a home binder or digital folder, and include the following items for potential buyers to check out:

Home Guide

When a buyer is touring your home, they are going to be curious about the condition of the various parts of your home, from mechanics to appliances. By giving this information up front, you can avoid a lot of back and forth in the future. Included appliance manuals/warranties, smart home tech how to's, a list of updates, home maintenance (ie: last time your HVAC was serviced), and age of mechanicals, roof, and appliances.

Vendor List

Create a master sheet of who you use for all of your homeowner needs. From landscapers to handymen, plumbers, and pest control. Try to include your recommendation for maintenance for any features your home has.

Local Favorites

What made you love where your home is? Include pamphlets or websites for your favorite restaurants, info about local parks, or any neighborhood features that made your location so great. If you have kids, be sure to include things they loved about the area.


Realtor® - ABR® - ePRO® - SFR® - PSA
Mobile: 310.497.7754
Email: luke.jonathan.allen@gmail.com
Website: LukeAllenRE.com
Facebook: facebook.com/LukeAllenRE/
Instagram: instagram.com/lukeallenre/
Coldwell Banker - 12930 Ventura Blvd. Ste 202, Studio City, CA 91604
Referring me to your friends and family is the highest compliment you could give me! 

Luke Allen Realtor picture and logo with NAR designations Valley Village California