Valley Village 9.2020 Market Update

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Hi Valley Village Homeowner,

Fall is on the horizon and we are soaking up the last month of summer. I hope you have been able to take time to enjoy your family and friends, even if done at a distance.

As your neighbor and fellow VALLEY VILLAGE homeowner, I receive mailings from other real estate agents just like you do. I often notice that what is sent out is an impersonal postcard with a laundry list of properties that they have sold.

I want to share one of my core personal principles: I did not become a Realtor to be a fast food equivalent for real estate. When you call me, I’m the one who picks up the phone, not an assistant. I value each of my clients & respect their personal circumstances. Advocating for others is my passion!

My vow to my clients is straightforward: professionalism, honesty, integrity, personalized attention, and respect for both your time & resources. I measure my success not by tallying up transactions, but by the level of my client’s satisfaction. This is why I am proud to have a 5-star rating from independently verified real life clients, via RealSatisfied.

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In August I furthered my commitment to serving our community with excellence by earning my “At Home with Diversity” certification from the National Association of Realtors, enabling me to better serve our growing and diverse community!

Enclosed with this letter you will find current sales activity. We continue to see a strong seller’s market with upwards pressure on prices. Additionally, on 8/27 HUD announced an extension to the foreclosure moratorium, which is great news for housing market stability. You can read the full article here:

Please remember, for all of your real estate needs, I’m always just a text, call, or email away!

Kind Regards,


Luke Allen Realtor picture and logo with NAR designations Valley Village California

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